Health and Wellbeing

Through thousands of years of Chinese history and experience, a dietary therapy system evolved. This dietary therapy ensures optimum body functions.
Every season requires a different dietary intake and regime. Our body is closely linked and aligned to the seasons and responds to the seasons. Each category of food has a relationship to specific organs. When the seasons, diet and organs are correctly linked and aligned health results. Through our diet and intake of food, we can achieve the best function from our organs, leading to prevention of illnesses and longer, healthier life.
*Also include health and life section found previously in the material in this section (as is already, maybe you could reformat the headings as they look shabby)

健康与人生 Health and Life

“民以食为天“,这是中国的一句古话,但是我们在享受美食的同时, 不要忘记食物对自己身体健康的重要。目前世界各地健康组织提出回复大自然各营养专家认为,平时多吃蔬菜,水果, 少吃肉类,多吃粗粮, 五谷杂粮,素食等等,对人的健康有好处, 是目前提出的一种好的饮食习惯。让我对目前日常生活中的食物提出一点点的看法。
There is a saying in Chinese that ‘food is the most essential thing in life’.
Whilst we are eating and enjoying various foods, we must also remember their benefits for our health.
It is recognized by worldwide health experts that we should eat more fruit and vegetables, less meat and processed foods, and more natural grains.
The following comments are some of my opinions which, if taken into account on a daily basis, can greatly improve and maintain health.

米 Rice

最滋补的是梗米,最助消化的是糙米, 最补肾的是黑米, 最排毒的是糯米, 最养颜的是薏米,最养胃的是小米。
There are many varieties and different colors of rice and the :
– most nutritious is long, hard grain rice.
– easiest digested is rough, unpolished rice.
– best for detoxification is glutinous rice.
– greatest benefit skin and appearance is barley rice.
– healthiest for the stomach is small, round rice (millet).

豆 Beans

“豆” 有很多不同颜色的豆和品种。豆食是其中一种对人维持生命非常丰富的营养食物,以下略微提出五种豆食。

  1. 绿豆 (木)
  2. 红豆 (火)
  3. 黄豆 (土)
  4. 眉豆(金)
  5. 黑豆 (水)

Beans also come in many varieties and different colors and are very nutritious. There are five main varieti

  1. Green (wood)
  2. Red (fire)
  3. Yellow (earth)
  4. Black-eye (metal)
  5. Black (water)

水果 Fruits

水果有很多不同颜色的水果和品种, 是人生不可缺少的维生素营养食物的重要一部分。 以下提出一点点建议。
水果最好是吃新鲜的水果。最好是吃当临季节的水果, 多吃不同颜色的水果,夏天多吃含水分多的时果,冬天多吃肉质比较实的水果。

Fruits too come in many varieties and different colours and play an important role in our diet.
It is best to eat fruit in season and as fresh as possible. We should eat as many different colored fruits as we can.
-In summer eat fruits that have a high water content and are therefore very juicy.
-In winter eat fruits that have hard skin and firm flesh.

健康与运动 Sports and Exercise

(Click to visit Master Li Wong Tai Chi and Qi Gung)

健康来于运动。 每一个人只要每天都进行体育锻炼,持之有恒, 健康会一生拌随你。太极拳,气功,和养生功 是通过上千年积累下的一套完整的养生,长寿,延年益寿的运动,不论任何年龄都可以锻炼的运动,令到锻炼者血液循环, 新陈代谢,增强免疫力,促进身体消化功能,清心养神, 阴阳平衡,令到锻炼者健康长寿。只要有恒心锻炼,你一定有意想不到的收获。
忧郁,肥胖,痴呆,免疫力减退而导致频繁感染,乳腺癌, 失眠,心脏病,中风,生育能力下降。
Exercise is a key factor for good health. Everyone should exercise daily. To be useful, exercise must be regular.
Tai Chi and Chi Gong exercises have been perfected over approximately one thousand years of practice. These exercises preserve health and prolong life, while improving circulation, immunity from diseases, digestion and regeneration. They calm the mind and body and balance yin and yang. These exercises are suitable for all ages.
The practitioner of Tai Chi and Chi Gong, if practice is done regularly, can expect to benefit from daily good health and eventual longevity.


The Best Health


(一)   要有一个良好的生活习惯。
(二)   要有一个良好的饮食规律和习惯。
(三)   要有一个长期适合自己的运动来维持自己身体的良好新陈代谢从而达到健康长寿。

预防胜于治疗,每一个人只要有一个良好的生活背景和健康饮食,多食素食,水果,一年四季选择适时调理进食使自己的五脏六腑时时保持最好的水平和健康标准, 从而健康年年。人生转眼便已匆匆数十年, 但年龄对我来说只是一个数字,最紧要是生活愉快,开心,健康和有意义,时时保持心境年轻,胸怀广阔,高兴常乐能去百病,最主要选择一种适合自己的运动,长期锻炼,如太极拳,气功,养生功,持之以恒, 身体自然健康,长寿。祝愿每一个人都能健康长寿,快乐,同乐百岁,每天都生活得幸福快乐。

In this world, no matter if you are rich or poor, everyone passionately rather wishes for a healthy body, and not having to find cures for diseases. No one can control his own time of birth or death, but everyone can control his own life to achieve a healthy and long life with:
A good lifestyle and living habits.
A good diet and eating regime.
A regular suitable exercise to maintain one’s health and body.

Prevention is better than a cure. We all need a good healthy  life style and diet; eat more fruit and vegetables, choose seasonal foodstuff to promote the internal balance of our organs to attain optimal health year after year.
Life may be a few scores of years but age should only be a mere number to us if we can live happily, healthily and meaningfully.
We should keep our heart young and our mind open, contentment can keep illnesses away from us.  The most important thing is to choose a suitable exercise that we can practise regularly and consistently, such as Tai Chi & Chi Gung, if practised over long period, can keep our body young and healthy, and our mind calm for a long life. 

Retirement Living

COVID-19 changed the world and for those who were in retirement, there are several things to think about : a) Live each day in happiness

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